SIZE 75 X 100 CMS

Printed on non-tearable, weather proof, markable and washable Polyart plastic sheet. Supplied loose or fitted with plastic rollers at top and bottom for hanging.

1. Epithelial Tissues-Simple
2. Epithelial Tissues-Startified
3. Connective Tissues-Loose
4. Connective Tissues-Skeleton (Bone, Cartilage)
5. Connective Tissues-Blood
6. Nerve Cells-Types of nerve cells
7. Nerve Cells-Neuroglia
8. Types of Muscular Cells
9. Plasmodium Vivax Life Cycle
10. Amphioxus embryological development
11. Sponge-external morphology with T.S.
12. L.S. in simple sponge
13. Obelia life cycle & T.S. in Medusa
14. Echinococcus life cycle & hydatid cyst
15. Pin Worm life cycle
16. Earthworm-External structure with
T.S. in intestine & internal anatomy
17. Earth worm-Circulatory system with reproductive system
18. L.S. through mouth snail
19. Snail-Reproductive system
20. Crayfish-T.S. in branchial chamber
21. Crayfish-Reproductive male & female
22. Crayfish-Feathery Jills
23. Cockroach-Mouth parts
24. Cockroach-Internal anatomy
25. Amphioxus-General Structure
26. Amphioxus-Circulatory System
27. Amphioxus-Lateral View
28. Fish-Circulatory System
29. Fish-Reproductive & Excretory System for male & female
30. Frog-Circulatory System & L.S. in heart
31. Frog-Skeletal System with CommonVertebra
32. Pigeon-Skeletal System with fore & hind limbs
33. Pigeon-Arterial & Venous System
34. Rabbit-Arterial & Venous System with L.S. in heart.
35. Rabbit-Reproductive System maleand female
36. Rabbit-General features
37. Enclestoma Worm-male, female, magnified head and life cycle
38. Osteichthyes & condrichthyses-External feature to show the gills
39. Osteichthyes & condrichthyses-L.S. in head that show region & strucutreof gills.
40. Clam-External features
41. Clam-Section in shell clamp to show the formation of pearl
42. Cockroach-External
43. Cockroach-The terminal of ventralregion of male and female
44. Cockroach-Stages of development of cockroach-insect
45. Star Fish-Dorsal surface
46. Star Fish-Ventral surface
47. Star Fish-Water Vascular System
48. Frog-External Features
49. Frog-Fore limb and hind limb
50. Snake-External Features
51. Snake- Head and mouth region
52. Pigeon-Respiratory System
53. Pigeon-L.S. of egg
54. Pigeon-External Features
55. Camel-External Features
56. Camel-Stomach (Ruminant) & it parts
57. Hydra
58. Circulatory system in Grass Hopper
59. Digestive system in fish
60. Ascaris worm (male and female)
61. Life Cycle of Frog (set of 2)
62. Tape Worm-External Features with life cycle
63. Lizards
64. Turtles
65. Natural Sponge
66. Mammal Embryo
67. Lamb Heart
68. Lamb Lungs
69. Earth Worm
70. Medical Leech
71. Star Fish
72. Funaria
73. Equisetum
74. Fucus
75. Snail
76. Clam
77. Insects
78. Prawn
79. Amphioxus
80. Typical Animal Cell
81. Vertebrates Skeleton

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