Blueprint for Health Your Digestive System Anatomical Chart
Illustrates digestive system by showing a 12-step path of food from bite to “the end of the line, ” and includes the role of each major organ in the process. Talks about teeth, their role in the digestive process and includes the right way to brush. Illustrates and describes the components of a healthy diet. Includes fun facts (“Borborygmy (Bore-bore-RIG-mee) is a word for the sounds your digestive system makes when it is working!") and includes answers to questions like “What is a burp?” and “Why do I throw up?”
• Suitable for 8-12 year olds
• Colorful, anatomically correct illustrations
• Bright colors and bold figures make learning fun
• Available in 2 mounting styles. For more info about chart mounting styles, click here.
• Size: 20" x 26"
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The Digestive System Anatomical Chart
Shows oral cavity, glands, stomach, liver, pancreas and duodenum. Provides cross sections of wall of the stomach, the jejunum and the colon. Also illustrates arterial supply. Size: 20" W x 26" L
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Vascular System and Viscera Anatomical Chart
Classic illustrations by Peter Bachin. Shows system on body. Illustrates heart (right anterior, left anterior, and posterior views), heart in systole, female pelvis, base of the brain, and branches of abdominal aorta and portal vein. Size: 20" W x 26" L
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The Liver Anatomical Chart
This chart shows location of liver on the body and provides antero-visceral view of the organ. It illustrates distribution of vessels and ducts, duct system with gallstones in common sites, and two views of liver segments: visceral view with biliary draining areas and posterior view. The chart also shows portal system, liver lobule and cirrhosis. Size: 20" W x 26" L
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Diseases of the Digestive System Anatomical Chart
Illustrates a wide variety of diseases such as: - Cancers of the esophagus - Esophageal varices - Cirrhosis - Fatty liver - Hepatitis - Gallstones - Gastic and duodenal ulcers - Adenocarcinoma of stomach and pancreas - Gastritis - Pancreatitis - Cancers of the colon - Colonic polyps - Diverticulitis of the colon - Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Hernia - Hemorrhoids
Size: 20" W x 26" L
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Gastroesophageal Disorders and Digestive Anatomy Anatomical Chart, 2nd Edition
This revised chart illustrates digestive anatomy and disorders such as Barrett's esophagus, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), hiatal hernia, and various stages of gastric ulcers: erosion, acute ulcer, and bleeding/perforating ulcer. The chart also shows ulcers caused by Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Also included are visual and textual descriptions of H. pylori bacteria (also known as helicobacter pylori), which is a factor in gastric disorders. Size: 20" W x 26" L
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Understanding Colorectal Cancer Anatomical Chart
Understanding Colorectal Cancer Anatomical Chart defines colorectal cancer and shows colorectal anatomy with the following pathologies: adenocarcinoma of colon; circumferential carcinoma of the transverse colon; colonic polyps; adenocarcinoma of jejunum; and adenocarcinoma of the rectosigmoid region. The chart describes risk factors, signs and symptoms, screening and diagnostic tests, and treatment options, and illustrates and explains the stages of cancer. Size: 20" W x 26" L
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Understanding Ulcers Anatomical Chart
This chart defines what an ulcer is; shows the stomach and cross sections of esophagus, duodenum, and stomach layers; and illustrates what causes ulcers and the types of ulcers (erosion, acute and perforating). The chart also shows small photos of the types of ulcers and illustrates how ulcers heal. Size: 20" W x 26" L
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Understanding Hepatitis Anatomical Chart
Defines viral hepatitis and the types of hepatic viruses that cause this disease: Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, and recently discovered viruses G and TTV (Transfusion Transmitted Virus). Talks about modes of tranmission and illustrated the complications of hepatitis. Illustrates the anatomy of the liver, pancreas and surrounding structures, including veins and arteries. Shows 3 liver biopsies: normal, mild hepatitis and moderate. Lists the signs and symptoms which progress by stages. Size: 20" W x 26" L
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Internal Organs of the Human Body Anatomical Chart
This chart provides a simple and easy-to-understand overview of the location and functions of the major internal organs of the body, including heart, lungs, stomach, kidney, diaphragm, spleen, liver, pancreas, large and small intestine, gallbladder, bladder, and brain. The presentation is perfect for patients and students. Size: 20" W x 26" L
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Digestive System Diseases 3D Lenticular Anatomical Chart
A lenticular is a printed image that shows depth and motion as your viewing angle changes. We use lenticular images in this chart to illustrate how structures change from a normal to a diseased state. Eight conditions of the digestive system are shown using this engaging and interactive technology:
• Gallstones
• Gastric Ulcer
• Acute Pancreatitis
• Colonic Polyps
• Appendicitis
• Diverticulosis of the Colon
• Ulcerative Colitis
• Hemorrhoids
The chart is made of three-dimensional plastic, with a hole at the top for easy hanging. Size: 21" W x 29" L
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The Gastrointestinal System - Anatomical Chart
20 x 26 in. - Paper version
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The Liver - Anatomical Chart
20 x 26 in. - Paper version
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The Stomach - Anatomical Chart
20 x 26 in. - Paper version
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Diseases of Digestive System - Anatomical Chart
20 x 26 in. - Paper version
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