Prostate Model
Model size: 3 1/2” diameter x 5 1/4” H
Model molded in pliable material, to represent a real hand feeling of bladder. Cutaway shows the bladder, prostate gland and Urethra. Since the prostate gland surrounds the neck of urethra, because of the location, enlargement of prostate causes difficulty in urination.
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Bladder Model in a Magic Cube
Size: 2.5"x2.5"x3"H One side of a model to show a filling bladder , the other side to show a voiding bladder model , to show a comparison of overactive bladder. A clock is molded on the top of the cube for a practical use.
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Kidney Model
Size: 6"Hx3 1/2"Wx2"T Model shows a 2-times life sized longitudinal section of the left kidnet & aternal glad.Suppied with a molded sturdy 4 3/4"x4 3/4" plastic base.
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Male Reproductive System
Size: 5"Lx4 1/2"Wx3/4"T Cutaway model to show anatomy of the male pelvis reproductive system, including bladder, prostate, rectum, penis, and testicle.
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DRE Model
Size: 4 1/4"x4 1/4"x4 1/8"T Model to demonstrate 4 different prostate status - Normal , large prostate(BPH) andlarge prostate : suspicious nodule , possiblt cancer. To insert index finger from bottom into the model to feel the replicas of 4 different prostates.
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Glomerulus Model
Model Size: 5 1/4"x3 1/4"x1 1/2"H Model shows basic filtration unit of the kidney. It is surrounded by the Bowman's capsule in the nephrons of the vertebrate kidney, receive blood supply from an afferent arteriole of renal circulation, and drains of the venule.Printed cards in the base to explain the glomerulus & jexta-medullary apparatus & classification of the rental function
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Female Reproductive System
Model size: 5 1/4" W x 4 1/2" H x 5/8"T
This model is to illustrate the internal and external reproductive organs in the pelvic area of a female reproductive system.
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Male Reproductive System
Size: 6.5"Lx6.25"Wx1"T Cutaway model to shoew the anatomy of the male pelvis reproductive system,including bladder,Prostate,rectum,penis & tecticle.
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