Stage-4 Osteoarthritis Knee Joint Model
Set of 4 models of the knee joint includes a normal knee joint and 3 models illustrating the stages osteoarthritis. Shows erosion of joint articular cartilage early to advanced and formation of bone spurs. Patient education card included. Models may be removed from base.
Size: 3 x 1-3/4 x 5-1/2.
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Muscled Shoulder Joint Model
Semi-articulating right rotator cuff model has an encapsulated humerus that is removable from the capsular ligament of the shoulder joint. Model includes ligaments and the infraspinatus, teres minor, teres major, subscapularis and supraspinatus muscles. Includes removable patient education card and plastic base. Size: 5" x 6" x 6".
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Muscled Hip Joint Model
Articulating right hip joint features the following muscles: gluteus medius, piriformis, gemellus superior and inferior with obturator internus and iliacus showing branch of psoas major. Includes removable patient education card and plastic base. Size: 5" x 4-3/4" x 8-1/4".
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Basic Shoulder Joint Model
Full size normal right shoulder model includes: clavicle, humerus and scapula bones; articular capsule ligament; teres minor tendon; plus 11 additional ligaments and tendons.
Model Size: 5-1/2 x 6 x 6
Card Size: 6-1/2 x 5-1/4
1. Made of durable high quality materials.
2. Education card included with model.
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Muscled Knee Joint Model
Articulating right knee with ligaments: meniscus, fibular collateral, tibial collateral, anterior and posterior cruciate, and patellar ligament with patella. The extended femur and patellar ligament are connected to top section of the quadracep. Includes removable patient education card and plastic base. Size: 3-1/2" x 3" x 10".
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Basic Knee Joint Model w/ Anatomy Education Card
Full size normal right knee includes: femur, fibula, patella and tibia bones; lateral and medial meniscus; quadriceps femoris tendon; anterior cruciate, fibular and tibial collateral, patellar and posterior meniscofemoral ligaments.
Model Size: 3-1/2 x 2-3/4 x 6
Card Size: 5-1/4 x 6-1/2
Base Size: 6-1/2" x 5"
1. Made of durable high quality materials.
2. Education card included with model.
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Shoulder Joint with Ligaments
Cast from a right shoulder blade, clavicle and upper arm. The coracoacromial ligament, coracohumeral ligament and the transverse ligament of the scapula are shown in addition to the joint capsule. Anteversion, retroversion, outer and inner rotation and abduction can be demonstrated. Can be removed from stand. Size: 7" x 7" x 7".
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Basic Hip Joint Model w/ Anatomy Education Card
Full size normal right hip with femur includes: articular capsule of the hip joint; greater and lesser trochanter, ilium, ischial spine, ischial tuberosity, ischium and pubis bones.
Model Size: 5 x 4-3/4 x 8-1/4
Card Size: 5-1/4 x 6-1/2
1. Made of durable high quality materials.
2. Education card included with model.
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Muscled Elbow Joint Model
Life-size model of the right elbow features the bicep, tricep, flexor carpi radialis, pronator teres and extensor carpi radialislongus muscles. The median, ulnar, and radial nerves; the ulna, humerus, and radius bones; as well as the palmar radiocarpal, flexor retinaculum, and the palmar ulnocarpal ligaments are also featured. Includes removable patient education card and plastic base. Size: 19" x 3" x 6".
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Hand and Wrist Model
Life-size model of a left hand, wrist and forearm features: distal, middle and proximal phalanges of the thumb, metacarpal bones, joint capsule ligaments, thenar muscle, palmar carpal ligament, median nerve, flexor digitorum superficialis tendons, triquetrum, pisiform, hamate, hook of hamate, flexor profundus digitorum tendons, palmaris longus tendon, interossseous membrane, radius and ulna. Palmar carpal ligament lifts to show nerves and ligaments under it. May be removed from base. Size: 11-1/2 x 3-3/4 x 1-1/4. Includes patient education card.
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Foot and Ankle Model
Life-size model of a right foot features the platar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament with plantar fascitis. Also includes tibia, fibula, calcaneus, calcaneal (Achilles) tendon, deltoid ligament, lateral (collateral) ligament, plantar aponeurosis, cuneiform, phalanges, cuboid, navicular and metatarsal bones. May be removed from base. Size 9 x 2-3/4 x 4. Includes patient education card.
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Basic Elbow Joint Model
Full size normal right elbow bone model includes: humerus, radius and ulna bones; joint capsule; annular ligament of radius, oblique cord, radial collateral and ulnar collateral ligaments.
Model Size: 8-1/2 x 2-1/4 x 4
Card Size: 6-1/2 x 5-1/4
Base Size: 6-1/2" x 5" x 1"
1. Made of durable high quality materials.
2. Education card included with model.
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Knee Joint Model with Ligaments
Right knee model includes the following: insertion tendons of the straight muscle of the thigh kneecap with patellar tendons, lateral ligaments, meniscuses and cruciate ligaments. The movements of the knee such as flexion and extension and outer and inner rotation can be demonstrated. Can be removed from stand. Size: 7" x 7" x 12-1/2".
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Hip Joint Model with Ligaments
Cast from a natural hip, this model shows the right side of the hip with femur and ligaments. The iliofemoral ligament, ischiofemoral ligament and pubofemoral ligament allow demonstraton of the movements of the hip joint. Flexion and extension, abduction and adduction and, to a certain extent, outer and inner rotation. Size: 7" x 7" x 13".
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Hand Skeleton Model with Ligaments and muscles
The bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, arteries, and veins are all featured in this high quality 4 part model of the hand and lower forearm. The dorsal side of the hand shows the extensor muscles as well as portions of the tendons at the wrist as they pass under the extensor retunaculum. The palmar face of the hand is represented in three layers, the first two removable to allow detailed study of the deeper anatomical layer of the hand. In addition clinically important structures such as the median nerve and superficial palmar arterial arch can be explored in detail in the hand model. The deepest anatomical layer allows for study of the intrinsic muscles and deep palmar arterial arch in addition to other details of the anatomy of the hand.
Measurements:33x12x12 cm
Weight: 0,4 kg
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