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Pathology Charts


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Understanding Depression Anatomical Chart

Simplified and updated from the previous edition, this chart provides an easy-to-understand visual and textual overview of the most important aspects of depression. It defines depression and three main types of this serious medical condition: major depression, dysthymic disorder/dysthymia and bipolar disorder. The areas of the brain affected by depression are defined and illustrated. Structures of the limbic system are also shown, as any disturbance to this system can affect mood and behavior. The role of transmitters is described; illustrations show normal and abnormal levels of these important chemical messengers, which can help explain how imbalances in these chemicals can lead to depression.

Signs and symptoms of major depression are prominently featured towards the top of the chart. Suicide warning signs are also detailed. Risk factors and treatments options for depression are also discussed.

Size: 20" x 26"

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Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Anatomical Chart

Defines Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and nerve compression syndrome. Shows the Carpal Tunnel and cross sections of a normal wrist and one with CTS. Causes, risk factors, symptoms are listed. Management techniques and healthy lifestyle changes are also covered.
Size is 20" W by 26" H.

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Understanding Arthritis Anatomical Chart

Illustrates in detail the main joints affected by Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - the hand and wrist, hip and knee. Shows bone spurs, narrowing of joint space, erosion of cartilage and swelling.

Also points out on human figure the other areas affected by OA and RA. Describes these common forms of arthritis and other types of arthritic diseases such as fibromyalgia, gout, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, bursitis and tendonitis. Also lists common symptoms of arthritis.

Size is 20" W by 26" H.

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Understanding the Common Cold Anatomical Chart, 2nd Edition

This revised chart provides a visual and textual overview of the common cold and includes information on prevention and management techniques. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Migraines and Headaches Anatomical Chart

Developed and revised in conjunction with the Diamond Headache Clinic, a premier headache and migraine health care facility. This new edition is simplified, updated with more information on central sensitization and includes headache treatment guide.

Describes and illustrates the 3 main types of primary headaches: migraine, cluster and tension-type. Illustrates the steps in the pathway of a migraine attack, from the start deep within the brain to the pain of peripheral and central sensitization. Also provides information on secondary (organic) headaches.

Lists healthy lifestyles strategies to avoid headaches. Includes a headache diagnostic guide – a helpful table of information which provides a quick way to map types of headaches to their various features such as frequency, pain area, symptoms, etc. Also provides a headache treatment guide which matches common medication and non-drug treatments to the 3 main types of primary headaches.

Size is 20" W by 26" H.

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Understanding Osteoporosis Anatomical Chart

New Updated Design! Defines and shows the effects of osteoporosis including bone density loss, progressive spinal deformity, and fractures in the hip, wrist and lower spine. Lists risk factors, prevention and management techniques and discusses bone density testing. Shows commons sites of osteoporosis on the body and how bone strength changes with age. Easy to understand and perfect for patient education. Size is 20" W by 26" H.

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Understanding Influenza Anatomical Chart

Developed in conjunction with a practicing primary care physician and an anatomy professor, this chart covers the areas of influenza that are essential for all patients to understand.

Illustrations and text show how the virus spreads and areas of the body that are affected. Lists two kinds of preventative measures: way to prevent influenza and ways to help prevent the spread of influenza once you have it.

Details special risk factors and complications and highlights the importance of getting a flu shot. Tells what do to if you get sick with the flu and stresses that antibiotics are not recommended for this disease because they work only against bacterial infections, not viral infections (like influenza).

Includes answers to three common patient questions - how to tell the difference between a cold and the flu, whether the stomach flu the same as influenza, and if the symptoms of the flu be different in children.

Size is 20" W by 26" H

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Understanding Pain Anatomical Chart

This visual and textual overview of pain provides and easy to understand tool designed for patient interaction with their health professional. Defines pain and the types of pain and lists symptoms for each. Simplifies “How Pain Works” into 3 comprehensible steps. Provides a pain scale and a sample human figure so patients can provide their health professional information about the level and location of pain. Provides brief mention of prevention tips and to consult health professional for a tailored treatment plan. Size is 20" W by 26" H.

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Understanding Breast Cancer Anatomical Chart, 2nd Edition

Visually and textually simplified from the previous edition, this easy-to-understand chart provides the essential information about the most common form of cancer in women. The chart provides definitions of breast cancer and the most common types of the disease, illustrates breast anatomy, shows the common types of breast cancer, illustrates and describes the stages of breast cancer, lists signs and symptoms and causes of breast cancer, and provides instruction for breast self-examination (BSE). Size: 20" x 26"

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Understanding Prostate Cancer Anatomical Chart

This chart describes the role of the prostate and defines prostate cancer. Illustrates the prostate in context of the surrounding anatomy and shows the zones of the prostate. Lists risk factors and signs & symptoms.

Describes diagnostic and screening tests and provides an image of a digital rectal exam (DGE). Illustrates and describes the stages I - IV of prostate cancer. Also provides an explanation of the most commonly used staging system, the Tumor-Nodes-Metastasis (TNM) system. Shows and describes the Gleason pathologic scoring system, which grades the aggressiveness of the disease (how fast the cancer will go and spread). Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Ovarian Cancer Anatomical Chart

This chart defines ovarian cancer, lists risk factors and signs and symptoms, describes diagnosis, and discusses treatment options and prevention strategies. Illustrations show female reproductive anatomy and provide a close-up view of a tumor on the surface of the ovary. The chart illustrates and describes stages I through IV of ovarian cancer, showing locations of cancer spread. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Diabetic Neuropathy Chart

This chart provides a visual and textual overview of nerve disorders caused by diabetes. In addition to illustrations of the disease, the chart includes types, causes, signs and symptoms, and treatment and management options. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Low Back Pain Anatomical Chart

Using the latest low back pain guidelines from the American Pain Society (APS) and the American College of Physicians (ACP), this visual and textual overview explains the types, causes and risk factors, signs and symptoms, treatment and management, and prevention of low back pain. This chart illustrates a human figure (posterior view) with pain radiating into the leg and numbness and tingling in the leg; sagittal view of lower spine with tumor of the spinal cord, bone spur impinging on spinal nerves, compression fractures and herniated disc impinging on spinal nerve; anterior view of the lower spine and pelvis showing tumors, infections, degenerative diseases, ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliitis, arthritis, and intrapelvic mass; and correct postures and techniques to avoid low back pain. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Alzheimer's Anatomical Chart, 1st Edition - Paper

Discusses the aging brain and dementia, providing an overview of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Illustrates affected areas of the brain and the abnormal cellular structures involved with AD: granulovacuolar degeneration, neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques. Discusses the stages of Alzheimer's Disease and shows the physical changes in the brain cortex caused by AD. Illustrates and defines the role of neurotransmitters as messengers. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Menopause Anatomical Chart, 3rd Edition

Understanding Menopause, Third Edition covers the key aspects of the transformational stage to a menstrual-free lifestyle, with focus on the importance of health maintenance. This updated chart defines menopause and perimenopause and gives a brief description of the changes that may be experienced during menopause. It also illustrates female reproductive anatomy and explains the role of hormones. The chart provides an overview of medications that may help with symptoms, including the benefits and risks of hormone therapy and complementary and alternative medicine. It also lists other ways to manage the symptoms and stay healthy after menopause and emphasizes the importance of continuing or re-establishing a relationship with the health care provider for important tests and exams. A table lists important tests and exams, such as mammograms, blood pressure, colonoscopy, and bone scan, along with the desired frequency of the test. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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