Magnified human larynx model
A functional model that demonstrates movements of the epiglottis and cartilages in the voice box. It helps the students to require and understanding of the morphology and structure of the respiratory tract and phonetic organ.
On base. 3 times enlarged. 3- parts dissectible.
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Middle ear model
A middle model of the ear, for elementary science classes, shows all major structures related to hearing and balance. Dissectible into 2 parts, 3 times enlarged. Mounted on plastic base. Size: 32x16x11CM.
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New style giant ear model
A giant model of the ear, for elementary science classes, shows the three main structural parts of the hearing organ (external ear, middle ear, internal ear) and the position of the equilibrium organ of human body.
1. External ear: Showing the shape of the auricle and the primary features of the external auditory meatus.
2. Middle ear: showing the tympanic membrane, the three auditory ossicles (hammer, anvil, stirrup) and the eustachian tube.
3. Internal ear: showing the vestibule, cochlea and the three semicircular canals of the osseous labyrinth.
This model is dissected into 6 parts. 5 times enlarged. Mouted on plastic base.
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Desktop ear model
Representation of the outer, middle, and inner ear. 1.5 times enlarged. On base.
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Brain model
This plastic replica human brain shows multiple views. Great for hands-on study of brain anatomy. On base. Dissectible into 3 parts.
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New style brain model
This plastic replica human brain shows multiple views. Great for hands-on study of brain anatomy. On base. Dissectible into 3 parts.
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Expansion model of human teeth
This model shows the morphological differences of the incisor, canine and molar teeth. Dissections of the canine and molar teeth demonstrate the structure of the enamel, dental pulp cavity. It is intended for middle schools.
The model is made of PVC. 3pcs/set. 12 times enlarged.
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Stomach model
This model shows the morphology of the stomach in a moderate distended state. With the longitudinal section, the model shows the structures of the gastric folds, pyloric valve, pyloric sphincter muscles, gastric mucosa and the transitional mucosa of the gastric-esophagus.
Made of hard plastic and magnified 2 times the natural size.
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Life-size heart model
This life-size heart model excellent for patient education or elementary science classes. Anatomically accurate and great for learning basic external and internal anatomy of the heart. Dissectible into 2 parts. Made of PVC and mounted on plastic base.
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Life-Size Heart Model
This heart model shows the anatomy of the human heart with ventricles, atriums, valves, veins, and the aorta in great anatomical detail. The front heart wall is removable to view the chambers and internal structures. Heart delivered on removable stand.
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Brain with arterial
This model facilitates the medical students to get a correct understanding of the external features of the brain and its arterial supply as a whole, as well as the relations between their component portions.
External features of the brain: cerebral hemisphere, brain stem, cerebellum.
The arterial supply of the brain: sources, vertebral, internal carotid arteries, arteria supply of the cerebellum and cerebrum.
Made of PVC and can be separated into 8 parts. On base.
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Model of the anatomy nasal cavity
This model helps the students to understand the external and internal structures of the nasal cavity.
1. External nose: shows the section of the nasal bones and cartilages.
2. Nasal cavity: on the lateral nasal wall show the superior, middle and inferior nasal chonchae project medially into the nasal cavity forming the superior, middle and inferior nasal meatuses.
3. Paranasal sinuses: shows the frontal, sphenoid and maxillary sinuses.
Magnified 1/2 the natural size.
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Kidney model (1 part)
The coronary section of the right kidney shows the renal hilus, renal blood vessels, ureter,
renal pelvis of the kidney, the renal substance is demonstrated by its medulla and cortex, medullary pyramid, papillae etc. Made of PVC plastic. 2 times enlarged. Mounted on a plastic stand.
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Kidney model (2 parts)
The coronary section of the right kidney shows the renal hilus, renal blood vessels, ureter,
renal pelvis of the kidney, the renal substance is demonstrated by its medulla and cortex, medullary pyramid, papillae etc. Made of PVC plastic. 2 times enlarged. Mounted on a plastic stand. Size: 20x10x7CM.
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Human kidney with adrenal gland
This detailed life-size model features the kidney with adrenal gland, renal and adrenal vessels and upper portion of the ureter. Dissected into 2 parts to reveal the cortex medulla, vessels and renal pelvis. The model can be removed from the stand for further DESCRIPTION. Size: life-size.
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