The human skull consists of many individual bones that gradually grow together as the development proceeds. The best selling Adult Human Skull is a natural cast and makes the complex structure of the skull easy to understand, since it can be disassembled into its 22 individual bones. The individual bones can be reassembled by means of inconspicuous, stable connectors attached at the slightly simplified skull sutures.
The 22 bones are depicted in 9 different didactic colors so that the individual skull bones are easy to distinguish in this "Exploded Human Skull".Each pair of bone plates has the same color.
The skull consists of the following individual bones:
• Parietal bone (left and right)
• Occipital bone
• Frontal bone
• Temporal bone (left and right)
• Sphenoid bone
• Ethmoid bone
• Vomer bone
• Zygomatic bone (left and right)
• Upper jaw (maxilla) with teeth (left and right)
• Palatine bone (left and right)
• Nasal concha (left and right)
• Lacrimal bone (left and right)
• Nasal bone (left and right)
• Lower jaw (mandible) with teeth
Measurements: 21x14x16 cm
Weight: 0,7 kg |