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Pathology Charts


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Understanding Your Weight Anatomical Chart

This chart is a visual tool that facilitates patient and health profession discussion about what to do about excess weight. In addition to explaining the "why" of weight gain, it provides tangible and unintimidating next steps, improving patient compliance and adherence to a weight reduction program. This visual chart discusses how energy balance determines body weight and factors that affect energy balance: energy intake (calories consumed) and energy expenditure (calories burned). It provides details on a key factor in burning calories--metabolism--which accounts for approximately 60-75% of energy expenditure. The chart outlines key steps on how to lose excess weight, including goal setting, making small changes, and discussing other options with a physician if lifestyle changes are not sufficient. It also suggests ways to improve diet and increase physical activity, such as recognizing eating behavior/patterns and looking for ways to be active throughout the day. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Lung Cancer Anatomical Chart

Understanding Lung Cancer Anatomical Chart defines lung cancer and the two main types: non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). The main lung image shows metastasis to paratracheal lymph nodes, metastasis to carinal lymph nodes, and a close-up image of a tumor projecting into bronchi.

The chart describes how lung cancer is diagnosed and staged and has images of chest x-ray, CT scan, PET scan, and MRI. It lists risk factors, signs and symptoms, and treatment options. It also describes how lung cancer can be prevented and shows an image of a cigarette in ashtray with the statistic that approximately 90 per cent of lung cancer deaths are related to smoking. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Cholesterol Anatomical Chart

Illustrates the structure and classification of a lipoprotein. Shows cholesterol transport in the blood, how cholesterol is made and stored in the liver. Also shows atherosclerosis, the consequence of high cholesterol. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Colorectal Cancer Anatomical Chart

Understanding Colorectal Cancer Anatomical Chart defines colorectal cancer and shows colorectal anatomy with the following pathologies: adenocarcinoma of colon; circumferential carcinoma of the transverse colon; colonic polyps; adenocarcinoma of jejunum; and adenocarcinoma of the rectosigmoid region. The chart describes risk factors, signs and symptoms, screening and diagnostic tests, and treatment options, and illustrates and explains the stages of cancer. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Epilepsy Anatomical Chart

This chart defines epilepsy, discusses causes, illustrates how the brain works, and defines seizures including the phases of a seizure. The chart discusses the symptoms and what to do if someone has a seizure. Illustrations and text show brain activity for generalized and partial seizures and define the main forms of these types of seizures. The chart also discusses diagnosing epilepsy and the various tests used in the process. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Parkinson's Disease Anatomical Chart, 1st Edition - Laminated

Defines Parkinson's Disease (PD) and how your body moves. Shows various views of the brain (highlighting the motor cortex), the role of neurotranmitters, and the lower levels of dopamine associated with PD. Discusses medical and surgical management techniques and lists symptoms. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Skin Cancer Anatomical Chart - Laminated

Defines skin cancer and provides detailed illustrations of how it develops from sun exposure. Shows and discusses various types of ultraviolet radiation and how each kind penetrates the skin layers. Illustrates and shows photos of various types precancer and cancer. Lists the ABCD's of malignant melanoma and provides graph which indicates its incidence is rising rapidly. Shows how skin naturally works to prevent skin cancer, and illustrates difference between sunscreen and sunblock. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Ulcers Anatomical Chart

This chart defines what an ulcer is; shows the stomach and cross sections of esophagus, duodenum, and stomach layers; and illustrates what causes ulcers and the types of ulcers (erosion, acute and perforating). The chart also shows small photos of the types of ulcers and illustrates how ulcers heal. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Diabetes Anatomical Chart

Newly redesigned, Understanding Diabetes defines in clear and concise language exactly what diabetes is. An explanation of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is included as well as many of the most common symptoms of both. Potential complications are clearly illustrated and described. Long-term health problems are discussed as well. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Human DNA Anatomical Chart

This award-winning chart beautifully illustrates the composition of DNA and the location of DNA within the cell. It also shows and explains genes and chromosomes and includes a brief description of the Human Genome Project. The material is appropriate for upper high school and college students, as well as physicians. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Hepatitis Anatomical Chart

Defines viral hepatitis and the types of hepatic viruses that cause this disease: Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, and recently discovered viruses G and TTV (Transfusion Transmitted Virus). Talks about modes of tranmission and illustrated the complications of hepatitis. Illustrates the anatomy of the liver, pancreas and surrounding structures, including veins and arteries. Shows 3 liver biopsies: normal, mild hepatitis and moderate. Lists the signs and symptoms which progress by stages. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Hypertension Anatomical Chart

Defines hypertension and its causes, as well as blood pressure. Lists common symptoms and healthy lifestyle choices. Illustrates the effects of hypertension in the blood vessels, heart, brain, eye, and kidneys. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Erectile Dysfunction Anatomical Chart

This chart defines erectile dysfunction along with causes and treatments. Illustrations show male reproductive anatomy and the physiology of an erection. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Alzheimer's Disease Anatomical Chart, Second Edition

The Second Edition of this chart defines Alzheimer's disease and discusses the aging brain, dementia, and diagnosing Alzheimer's disease. It lists risk factors, describes the three main stages of Alzheimer's disease, and provides key management techniques for both patients and their families and caregivers. The chart illustrates and discusses the areas of the brain affected by the disease, amyloid plaques (also called senile plaques), and physical changes to the cerebral cortex. It shows and describes the abnormal cellular structures involved (granulovacuolar degeneration and neurofibrillary tangles) and explains how Alzheimer's disease destroys the way neurons "talk" to each other. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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Understanding Parkinson’s Disease Anatomical Chart, 2nd Edition

The Second Edition of this chart defines Parkinson's disease and illustrates the brain in various views. It lists the causes and risk factors of Parkinson's disease, describes and illustrates common signs and symptoms, and lists related symptoms such as decreased sense of smell, depression, and sleep problems. It describes various management and treatment options such as medications, surgery, and therapy, and shows an electrode brain implant on a figure with a mask-like expression. It explains the involvement of the brain with body movement and shows a figure with a tremor impulse coming from the brain down the arm. The chart also shows the role of neurotransmitters and describes the steps from a neuron receiving a message to post-message release of dopamine. Size: 20" W x 26" L

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