Lumbar set (4 pcs)
Life-size lumbar vertebrae are shown with normal intervertebral disc and spinal cord with nerve roots. Mounted on a sturdy metal rod.
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Life-size lumbar vertebrae with sacrum & coccyx and herniated disc
Consisting of the 5 lumbar vertebrae with intervertebral discs, sacrum with flap, coccyx, spinal nerves and dura mater of spinal cord. On flexible stand.
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Half-size lumbar vertebrae with sacrum & coccyx and herniated disc
Consisting of the 5 lumbar vertebrae with intervertebral discs, sacrum with flap, coccyx, spinal nerves and dura mater of spinal cord. On flexible stand.
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Adult male pelvis
The size of this model is just the same as the realities and made of PVC plastic. It shows the following:
Pelvis shapes: Long and narrow
Pelvis cava: Like a funnel
Aperture pelvis superior: Heart-like
Sacrum: Long and narrow with great flexibility
Angles of pelvis arch:70-75 degree
Symphysis pubica: Long and narrow
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Adult female pelvis
The size of this model is just the same as the realities and made of PVC plastic.It shows the following:
Pelvis shapes: Short and broad
Pelvis cava: Like a barrel
Aperture pelvis superior: Rounded
Sacrum: Broad and short with little flexibility
Angles of pelvis arch: 90-100 degree
Symphysis pubica: Short and broad
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Female pelvic muscles and organs
This model is designed as an aid to the teaching of anatomy of female pelvis in middle institutes. It facilitates the students or clinical workers to get an integral knowledge of various important structures, such as pelvic muscles and pelvic organs as a whole. This model is made of plastic. Natural size.
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Life-size vertebral column with pelvis and femur heads
This highly detailed life-size model shows all significant features of each vertebra, including spinal cord, nerve roots, the vertebral artery, a herniated disc and vertebral notch etc. Ideal teaching model for students, patient education of chiropractors, orthopedic surgeons and other medical professionals. Special features include: inflexible 29" tall vertebral column complete with pelvis, sacrum, occipital bone, vertebral artery, all nerve branches, herniated lumbar and femur heads disc. Deluxe chrome stands 34" high.
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Birth demonstration model
This model consists of 2 innominate bones, sacrum, coccyx, with fetal skull which is firmly conntected with the model by means of a flexible metal tube which can be fixed in any position. It facilitates the students or clinical workers to get an integral knowledge of normal labor of a pregnant women.
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Cervical vertebral column with neck artery, occipital, herniated disc and nerves
Consisted of occipital plate, the 7 cervical vertebrae with intervertebral discs, cervical nerves, vertebral arteries and spinal cord. On flexible stand.
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Cutaway osteoporosis
Consisting of 3 medially divided lumbar vertebrae with intervertebral discs. For comparison, the upper section shows healthy bone structure, The middle section shows osteoporotic bone structure and the lower section shows advanced osteoporotic bone structure with flattened plates, deformation and decreased mass. For detailed study the vertebrae can be removed from the stand.
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Skull with cervical spine
This skull is flexibly mounted on a cervical spine. Also represented are the hindbrain, spinal cord, cervical nerves, vertebral arteries, basilar artery and rear cerebral arteries. Skull can be removed from stand.
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